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2016-03-17          阅读:19



学历 学院 专业 需求人数
测试工程师 本科 信息学院 计算机科学与技术,信息管理与信息系统,网络工程 1
医科达(北京)医疗器械有限公司招聘 硕士 信息学院 计算机应用技术,计算机技术(专硕),计算机软件与理论,软件工程(专硕) 1
CAD工程师 本科 工学院 机械设计制造及其自动化 1
机械工程师 硕士 工学院 机械制造及其自动化,机械设计及理论,机械工程(专硕),机械电子工程 1

时间:2016-03-01 - 2016-04-01

工作地点: 北京市昌平区

Reports TO - (Enter details of the direct reporting structure in which the person operates. The person may also have reporting obligations in several structures, e.g. legal structure. In such cases, please detail all reporting obligations.) 

Quality Engineer reports to Manager  of Engineering 

Description - (Enter the key activities of the role) 


We are looking for a Quality Assurance Engineer to develop and execute exploratory tests as well as automated tests in order to ensure product quality.


As a QA Engineer you will estimate, plan, and coordinate testing activities. You will also ensure that quality issues and defects are appropriately identified, documented, tracked, and resolved in our defect tracking system.

Responsibilities - (Using e.g. bullet points, identify the detailed aspects and specific responsibilities of the role. 

  • Review requirements specifications and technical design documents to provide timely and meaningful feedback
  • Create detailed, comprehensive and well-structured test plans and test cases
  • Estimate, prioritize, plan, and coordinate testing activities
  • Identify, record, document thoroughly and track bugs
  • Perform thorough regression testing when bugs are resolved
  • Design, develop and execute automation scripts using open source tools


Authorities - (Using e.g. bullet points, identify the authorities of the role and the extent to which decisions may be made on behalf of the function.) 

Relevant Knowledge, skills and competencies - (For the role, specify the following:?-?educational background and knowledge,?-?details of relevant experience,?-?skills required for the role,?-?key performance competencies that are required) 

  • BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related subject
  • Proven working experience in software quality assurance
  • Strong knowledge of software QA methodologies, tools, and processes
  • Experience in writing clear, concise and comprehensive test plans and test cases
  • Hands-on experience with both black box and white box (is a plus) testing
  • Hands-on experience with automated testing tools
  • Experience working in an Agile/Scrum development process
  • Solid knowledge of SQL and scripting is a plus
  • Experience with performance and/or security testing is a plus



医科达是跨国性医疗技术集团,以关爱人类生命为使命,在癌症和脑部病变治疗领域锐意进取并提供最为先进的临床治疗方案。针对放射治疗和放射外科,公司致力于开发尖端水平的医疗设备和治疗计划系统,同时为整个癌症治疗领域开发优化工作流程的软件系统。医科达创立于1972年, 由瑞典卡罗林斯卡研究所已故的神经外科教授Lars Leksell创建成立。医科达总部设在瑞典斯德哥尔摩,并在斯德哥尔摩证交所上市(股票EKTAB)。医科达在肿瘤学、神经外科以及相关网络软件方面的解决方案已应用于全球5000多家医院,每天为超过10万名患者提供诊断和治疗服务。 今天,医科达在全球大约有3300名员工。医科达在中国的员工总数约500人,业务范围涉及研发、生产、采购、物流、销售、客户支持及质量法规等,国内450余家医院是我们的用户。除北京和上海,医科达在广州、成都、重庆设有分支机构。在2011年9月,医科达在全球成功并购核通公司(Nucletron)。 医科达推崇多元文化。我们的员工来自于不同领域有着不同的文化背景,因共同的使命相聚而共同创建了这个积极灵活的组织。我们致力于为所有员工提供机会并使他们充分发挥个人潜能以适应全球化的环境。 Elekta is a human care company pioneering significant innovations and clinical solutions for treating cancer and brain disorders. Elekta provides intelligent and resource-efficient technologies that improve, prolong and save patient lives. To join ELEKTA team you will work in a highly motivated group with more than 60 years of experiences in medical device. Has the chance to recognize people from different countries in the world and feel the open/aggressive company culture by yourself. You will also be able to build up a solid basis with the opportunity to show innovation in process enhancement and evolution along with the development of the Medical Device industry. You will have the opportunity to apply your skills and efforts into challenging scientific problems.